electromagnetic emissions from computer monitors 56
Empty Trash command (Special menu) 9 equipment, adjusting and arranging
for optimal use
Guide window 23 external input devices, connecting 40 external modem, connecting
adjusting brightness and contrast 37, 38
adjusting for optimal use 36, 56 backlight dimming and 38 connecting
external sound input devices, connecting 39
eye fatigue related to computer use 51, 53, 56
files, backing up 43 Finder
activating 16, 23 icon 42 shortcuts in
floppy disks backing up 43 care and handling 60 inserting 41
Guide menu
Hide Balloons command 24 how to use
Shortcuts command 25 Show Balloons command 24
handling computer equipment. See safety instructions
hard disk, backing up files on 43 hard disk icon 9
hard disk space, using as RAM 40 headphones, connecting 39
computer use
Macintosh Guide; PowerBook Troubleshooting Guide; troubleshooting
Hide Balloons command (Guide menu) 24
Hide Others command (Application menu) 43
hiding windows on the desktop 43 Huh? button (Macintosh
Guide window) 23