34 - iMac G5, 17-inch Troubleshooting Symptom Charts
•Unknown Error: If you see “Unknown Error”, without “-2147352480”, you will want
to see Knowledge Base article 152224 for more information.
•None of these alert messages: Is your disc drive the one inside the iMac, or is it
attached to the iMac by a USB or FireWire cable?
– Inside the Mac: Go on to step 3.
– Attached by a cable: Go on to step 4.
3. So you can see other discs, it's just that they don't burn. Have you tried discs of other
brands? Sometimes certain discs won't burn, either because of quality or because
they're damaged or old. Try purchasing a different brand of discs and test to see
whether these discs will burn. Do the new discs burn correctly?
Yes: Great! It looks like the issue can be isolated to the old discs you were using. For
whatever reason, they don't seem to be working, so you'll want to use the new discs
from now on.
No: So your new discs didn't work either. What sort of disc are you trying to burn - is
it a CD or a DVD?
– CD: You said you're having problems burning CDs. Let's try an easy question first.
In your Finder, open a window and select your hard drive. At the bottom of the
window, does it say you have at least a gigabyte (1 GB) free? If no, go to step 5.
– DVD: The first thing we should check is whether your drive can read DVDs
normally. Try inserting the iMac Software Install and Restore disc that came with
your computer. If you still have problems, go to step 6.
4. We don't have the capacity to troubleshoot an external drive - if you are having
problems with a drive other than the internal one, you will need to talk to the
manufacturer of that drive.
5. When the computer burns a CD, it needs some free space on the hard drive for it to do
what it needs to do when it burns a disc. Try freeing up some space by emptying trash
and deleting unneeded items. Once you have at least one gigabyte free and you've
emptied the trash, try burning a disc again. Does it burn correctly now?
Yes: Problem solved.
No: When you try to burn a CD, are you burning a disc from the Finder, from iTunes,
or from a different application? Refer to Knowledge Base articles 151904,
150293,151701, and 153426 for disc burning issues. Does it burn a disc now?
–Yes: Problem solved.
–No: Go on to the next step.
6. Reinstall the system software. Print Knowledge Base article 151641 and follow the
steps. Try burning a disc again. Did the disc burn correctly?
Yes: Problem solved.
No: Replace the optical drive. Does it burn correctly now?
–Yes: Problem solved.
–No: Replace the logic board.