Take Apart Logic Board - 45
Identifying 350 MHz Logic Boards (661-2210) There are two 350 MHz logic boards in service stock
under the part number 661-2210. One board has an
expansion board (daughterboard) and the other does not
have the expansion board.
The boards are
completely interchangeable.
The 350 MHz iMac (Slot Loading) computer originally
came with an expansion board (daughterboard) on the
logic board that provided Ethernet functionality. More
recent iMac (Slot Loading) computers and logic board
service parts may ship without this expansion board
(daughterboard). The Ethernet functionality has been
incorporated onto the logic board making the expansion
board unnecessary. The part number for the logic board,
661-2210, did not change, and boards with or without
the expansion board are interchangeable.
Refer to TIL article 58564 for additional information.