Troubleshooting Symptom/Cure Tables: System Problems After Startup - 52
Modem Not Recognized
This table should help you troubleshoot and fix problems when the internal modem is
not recognized. Follow the instructions under the “Possible Fix” column to resolve the
Possible Cause Possible Fix
Modem Is Not Recognized: If the modem is not recognized or listed in the
application or OS, refer to this section of the table.
Needed extensions or CCL
files are not installed or are
Are the correct CCL and extension files installed? (Note:
You will need the iMac Modem Extension and the iMac
internal modem CCL.)
Yes: The CCL or extension may be corrupt. Reinstall
the CCL and modem extension. If the problem persists,
reinstall the system software and try again.
No: Install the correct CCL and modem extension and
try again.
PRAM is corrupt. Zap PRAM by holding down Option, Command– P–and R
Serial Port Not Available message: If the Modem Control Panel and/or AppleWorks
reports that the serial port is not available, refer to this section of the table.
The modem is loose, miss-
ing, or bad.
Is the modem installed?
Yes: Reseat the modem and try again. If the
problem persists, replace the modem board.
No: Install a modem and try again.