4Click Save Your Runs, then click Sign Me Up and follow the onscreen instructions. For more information, see “Sending Workouts to Nikeplus.com” on page 17.
Using Nike + iPod
Follow these instructions to get the most out of Nike + iPod.
Calibrating Nike + iPod
The default calibration for Nike + iPod is accurate for many users. You can improve the accuracy by calibrating Nike + iPod to your natural running and walking style.
To calibrate Nike + iPod for running and walking:
1iPod nano: Choose Nike + iPod > Settings > Sensor > Calibrate.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Choose Nike + iPod > Calibration.
2Choose Run or Walk and enter a distance.
For best results, use a distance of at least one mile. The shortest calibration distance you can enter is one quarter of a mile.
3Choose music to accompany your calibration workout.
4iPod nano: Press the Center button.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Tap Play.
Then run or walk the set distance at a steady, natural pace.
5iPod nano: Press the Menu button and choose Done Calibrating.
iPhone 3GS and iPod touch: Tap End Workout, then tap Done.
A message lets you know if the calibration was successful. If you want to calibrate for both running and walking, repeat steps