E.Disconnecting the MicroKey Windows 2000 and XP
1.Locate the system tray on your Windows Desktop (the system tray is the part of the taskbar that displays the date and time).
2.Click on the “Safely Remove Hardware” icon in the system tray.
3.Follow the instructions to remove the device from your computer.
fig 5) Safely Remove Hardware Icon
NOTE: To protect against unexpected data loss, Windows checks that all files on the disk are closed before allowing the USB device to be removed. If you receive an error message that says “The device cannot be stopped right now. Try stopping the device again later.” Close all Windows and Programs that are using files on the MicroKey, then repeat the procedure.
1.Dismount the Drive by dragging the Drive icon into the trash can.
2.Wait a few seconds. Once the LED has turned off, you can safely remove the MicroKey drive.