Dear Owner:
ongratulations on your wise decision to make an AquaCal heat pump part of
your home. Since 1981, AquaCal has maintained the worldwide lead in the
manufacture of swimming pool & spa heat pumps. Your new heat pump is not
only a great investment, but also the most
cost effective method available for heat-
ing pools and spas. For example, your
heat pump is up to 400% more efficient
than gas, and, when compared to elec-
tric resistance heat, your heat pump is
nearly 600% more effective. You can rest
assured your new heat pump is of the
highest quality and efficiency, and is de-
signed and built to provide years of
trouble-free operation.
Moreover, should you ever require help in
using or maintaining your heat pump, you
will find AquaCal’s customer and technical
support staff to be the largest, most qualified, and—of utmost importance—the
most easily accessed customer service team in the pool & spa heat pump industry.
“You can rest assured
knowing your new heat
pump is of the highest
quality and efficiency,
and is designed and
built to provide years
of trouble-free
to the