Debugging with RMHost
This error might also be displayed when any of the following occurs:
•You connect to a remote target, that is, one that is not connected to the local machine. In this case, a timeout typically results from a network error.
•The target is built for polled mode, and the application is not calling RM_PollDCC(). See the description of this function in the API chapter of the ARM RMTarget Integration Guide.
•The communications channel interrupts on the target have a very low priority.
DBE Warning 00030 on object 'Oscillator': Could not write the item requested (possibly
An error of this type indicates that a given register (Oscillator, in this case) could not be written to for a variety of reasons.
DBE Warning 00031 on object 'Id': Could not read from the processor register requested
An error of this type indicates that a given register (Id, in this case) could not be read for a variety of reasons.
The register value is displayed as zero when it cannot be read. This error is displayed only in the Debug Log Window.
Failed to read or write target memory
The RMHost controller was attempting to perform an operation that involved reading or writing memory, and this failed. (For example, there might have been a Data Abort while attempting to set a software breakpoint.)
JTAG controller is not reporting a comms channel
The processor being debugged does not support a debug communications channel, and therefore, RMHost cannot connect to it.
JTAG controller is not reporting an 'ARM' module
The target does not include an ARM processor.
JTAG controller is not reporting
The JTAG controller would have to put the processor into debug state to allow connection to RMHost, and therefore, connection must be aborted. Check that your JTAG controller software is RDI
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