ARM Limited welcomes feedback on both RMHost, and its documentation.
Feedback on RMHost
If you have any problems with RMHost, please contact your supplier. To help them provide a rapid and useful response, please give:
•details of the release you are using
•details of the host and target you are running on
•a small standalone sample of code that reproduces the problem
•a clear explanation of what you expected to happen, and what actually happened
•the commands you used, including any
•sample output illustrating the problem
•the version string of the JTAG unit, including the version number and date.
Feedback on this book
If you have any comments on this book, please send email to errata@arm.com giving:
•the document title
•the document number
•the page number(s) to which your comments apply
•a concise explanation of the problem.
General suggestions for additions and improvements are also welcome.
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