Rice is a valuable source of low fat, complex carbohydrates and is abundant in thiamin, niacin and iron. It is an essential ingredient for a healthy diet.
There are many different varieties of rice available. Your Aroma | ||
Rice Cooker can cook any type perfectly every time. The following are the | ||
most commonly available varieties of rice and their characteristics: | ||
Long Grain Rice | Brown Rice |
Typically this rice is not starchy and has | Brown rice is often considered the most | |
loose, individual grains after cooking. | healthy variety. It has bran layers on | |
"Carolina" is firm and "Jasmine" is the | the rice grains and contains more B- | |
firmest of the long grain variety and is | complex vitamins, iron, calcium, and | |
flavorful and aromatic. | fiber than polished | (white) rice. The |
Short Grain Rice | most popular brown rice is long grain | |
and has a chewy texture. | ||
Short grain is characteristically soft, | Wild Rice |
sticky and chewy. This is the rice used |
| |
to make sushi. "California Rice" is soft; | Wild Rice comes in many delicious | |
"Sweet Rice", often called "pearl" rice | varieties and mixes. | Often it is mixed |
for its round shape, is extra sticky and is | with long grain rice for its firmer texture | |
excellent for making rice pudding. | and rich brown to black color. Wild rice | |
| makes wonderful stuffing for poultry |
when cooked with broth and mixed with your favorite dried fruits.