This command configure the port priority on a MST instance:0~4096.

Format spanning-tree mst priority <1 4096>

Mode Interface Config spanning-tree participation

This command configures RSTP capability on a port.

Format spanning-tree participation {enabledisable}

Mode Interface Config spanning-tree priority

this command configure RSTP port priority:0~240 format spanning-tree priority <0..240>

mode Interface Config

10.5.18VLAN command vlan participation This command join or leave a vlan.

1)vlan participation exclude This command leave a vlan.

Format vlan participation exclude < vlan id> Mode Interface Config

2) vlan participation

This command join a vlan with untagged/tagged mode. Format vlan participation {untagged tagged}< vlan id> Mode Interface Config vlan protected

This command configuresport protected property. Format vlan protected {enabledisable}

Mode Interface Config vlan dropnq

This command configure port drop no 8021q frame . Format vlan dropnq {enabledisable}


Asante IntraCore IC3624/48

User’s Manual

Page 137
Image 137
Asante Technologies 3624/48 spanning-tree participation, spanning-tree priority, vlan participation, vlan protected