This command creates rmon alarm entry.
Format rmon alarm index < 1..65535 >interval<0..3600>interface<port number>counter<1..17>sample{absolutedelta}start{rasingfallingall}rthreshol d<0..65535>fthreshold<0..65535> reindex <0..65535> feindex<0..65535> owner< WORD>
Mode Global Config
e.g. Switch(Config)# RMON alarm index 1 interval 10 interface counter 1 sample delta start all rthreshold 100 fthreshold 10 reindex 1 feindex 0 owner test del 1) rmon del event
This command deletes rmon event entry. Format rmon del event index< 1..65535 > 39
Mode Global Config
2) rmon del alarm
This command deletes rmon alarm entry. Format rmon del alarm index< 1..65535 > Mode Global Config
10.4.23 access list commands
Note: This commands only support on
2) access-list name <WORD> action permit
This command permits an ACL entry and queue
1) access-list name <WORD> clears SRC IP
This command clears the source IP/subnet mask filter. Format
2) access-list name <WORD> clears DST IP
This command clears the destination IP/subnet mask filter. Format
Mode Global Config
access-list name <WORD> clear l4port DST port
130 | Asante IntraCore IC3624/48 | User’s Manual |