CPU FID/VID Control [Auto]

When set to [Auto], FID/VID will be set at the rated frequency/voltage. When set to [Manual], FID/VID will be set based on the user selection.

Configuration options: [Auto] [Manual]

The following items appears only when you set the CPU FID/VID Control item to [Auto].

Runtime Legacy PSB [Disabled]

Enables or disables the generation of Power State Block for the use of the PowerNow™ driver in a single-core system.

Cool N’ Quiet [Disabled]

Enables or disables the generation of ACPI_PPC, ACPI_PSS, and ACPI_ PCT objects.

The following items appears only when you set the CPU FID/VID Control item to [Auto] or set the AI Overclocking item to [EPP Memory].

CPU Multiplier [Auto]

Allows you to set the operating CPU multiplier. The configuration options may vary depending on the type of CPU installed. Configuration options: [Auto] [x5.0] [x5.5] [x6.0] [x6.5] [x7.0] [x7.5]...[x24.5] [x25.0]

CPU Voltage [Auto]

Allows you to set the operating CPU voltage.

Configuration options: [1.425V] [1.400V] [1.375V]...[0.825V] [0.800V] [Auto]

HyperTransport (CPU & CPU) [1000MHz]

Configuration options: [200 MHz] [400 MHz] [600 MHz] [800 MHz] [1000 MHz]

HyperTransport (CPU & SB1) [1000MHz]

Configuration options: [200 MHz] [400 MHz] [600 MHz] [800 MHz] [1000 MHz]

HyperTransport (CPU & SB2) [1000MHz]

Configuration options: [200 MHz] [400 MHz] [600 MHz] [800 MHz] [1000 MHz]

The following item appears only when you set the AI Overclocking item to [Overclocking Profile] or [EPP Memory].

Overclock Options [Overclock 5%]

Allows you to overclock the CPU speed through the available preset values. Configuration options: [Overclock 3%] [Overclock 5%] [Overclock 10%] [Overclock 15%] [Overclock 20%] [Overclock 30%]

