CPU Multiplier [Auto]

Allows you to set the operating CPU multiplier. The configuration options may vary depending on the type of CPU installed. Configuration options: [Auto] [5x] [6x] ~ [10x]

CPU Voltage [Auto]

Allows you to set the operating CPU voltage. The configuration options vary depending on the type of CPU installed.

Refer to the CPU documentation before setting the CPU vCore voltage. Setting a high vCore voltage may damage the CPU.

Advanced Voltage Control

Phoenix-Award BIOS CMOS Setup Utility


Advanced Voltage Control

Select Menu




CPU/Chipset HT Voltage


Item Specific Help

Chipset Core Voltage



Chipset Standby Core Voltage


Set NB Core/PCI-E Voltage.

Chipset PCI-E Voltage



CPU VCore Offset Voltage







↑↓ : Select Item

-/+: Change Value

F5: Setup


ESC: Exit

→←: Select Menu

Enter: Select Sub-menu

F10: Save

and Exit

CPU/Chipset HT Voltage [1.20V]

Allows you to set the processor/chipset HyperTransport voltage.

Configuration options: [1.20V] [1.25V] [1.30V] [1.35V] [+1.40V] [+1.45V] [+1.50V]

Chipset Core Voltage [1.40V]

Allows you to set the chipset core voltage.

Configuration options: [1.40V] [1.50V] [1.60V]

Chipset Standby Core Voltage [1.40V]

Allows you to set the chipset standby core voltage.

Configuration options: [1.40V] [1.60V]

Chipset PCI-E Voltage [1.50V]

Allows you to set the chipset PCI Express voltage.

Configuration options: [1.50V] [1.55V] [1.60V] [1.65V] [1.70V]

CPU VCore Offset Voltage [Disabled]

Allows you to disable or set the processor vCore offset voltage.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Offset 100.0mV]

