Enables or disables the remote access feature.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
When the Remote Access item is set to [Enabled], the following items appear.
Serial port number [COM1]Allows you to select the Serial Port for console redirection. Configuration options: [COM1] [COM2]
Baudrate [19200]Allows you to select Serial Port settings.
Configuration options: [115200] [57600] [38400] [19200] [9600]
Flow Control [None]Allows you to select the flow control for console redirection. Configuration options: [None] [Hardware] [Software]
Redirection After BIOS POST [Always]Sets the redirection mode after the BIOS
Allows you to select the target terminal type.
Configuration options: [ANSI] [VT100]
Enables or disables the
Select the media for console redirection. Configuration options: [Serial] [LAN] [Serial+LAN]
5 - 34 | Chapter 5: BIOS setup |