Chapter 4.

Hotkey Operation

Hotkey Port Control

Hotkey Port Control allows you to provide KVM focus to a particular computer directly from the keyboard. The KH88 provides the following features:

MSelecting the Active Port

MAuto Scanning

MSkip Mode Switching

Invoking Hotkey Mode

All Hotkey operations begin by invoking Hotkey Mode. Invoking Hotkey Mode is a three step procedure:

1.Press and hold down the Num Lock key

2.Tap the asterisk key or the minus key

3.Release the Num Lock key:

[Num Lock] + [*];


[Num Lock] + [-];

When HKM is active:

MA Command Line appears on the monitor screen. The command line prompt is the word Hotkey: in yellow text on a blue background. Hotkey information that you key in displays on the command line.

MOrdinary keyboard and mouse functions are suspended - only Hotkey compliant keystrokes and mouse clicks (described in the sections that follow), can be input.

MPressing [Esc] or [Spacebar] exits HKM.