Chapter 7. Java Client Port Operation

Lock Key LEDs and Resolution

These LEDs show the Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock status of the remote computer. They turn Green when the Lock

status is On. Click on the icon to toggle the status.

Note: When you first connect, the LED display may not be accurate. To be sure, click on the LEDs to set them.

The video resolution of the device connected to the remote port displays directly below the Lock LEDs.

Switch Screen Mode

Clicking this button toggles Full Screen Mode on and off. (By default the Java Client opens in Full Screen Mode.)


Clicking this button opens the About dialog box, which displays the Java Client Version information. Click the OK button to close the

dialog box.

Send Ctrl+Alt+Del

Clicking this button sends a Ctrl+Alt+Del signal to the remote system.


Clicking this button brings up the online help screen for the Java Client.


Clicking the Exit button terminates the Java Client session.