Chapter 1. Introduction

















Power Outlets*

28 in total (24 x IEC 320 C13 + 4 x IEC 320 C19)



Bank 1: Outlet 1–14: 12 C13; 2 x C19



Bank 2: Outlet 15–28: 12 x C13; 2 x C19





Port and LED Panel

The Port and LED panel contains:



Š Readout Section and LEDs



Š Environmental Sensor Ports



Š LAN Port



Š Door Sensor Port



Š Reset Switch



Full details of this section are provided on



page 23.





Circuit Breaker

As a safety measure, if there is an overcurrent



situation regarding the device’s power, the circuit



breakers will trip. Press the button to recover



normal operation.



Warning: See Resetting the Circuit Breaker,



page 79 for important information about resetting a



tripped circuit breaker.





Power Cord

The power cord that connects the unit to an AC



power source plugs into this socket.



Š B models connect to a NEMA L6-30P source



Š G models connect to an IEC 60309 32A source





Output Power Indicator

This LED lights steady to indicate output power for



the related bank.