Chapter 4. Administration
If no IP addresses are specified on this page, anyone can open a TCPIP Telnet session to a RAW TCP port by specifying the IP address and port number of the port – without having to specify a Username and Password.
Once specific IP addresses are entered here, however, only users logging in to the SN0108 / SN0116 from one of those IP addresses can have access to the RAW TCP ports without having to specify a Username and Password.
Note: The port must be designated as a RAW TCP Port under the Port Config settings. See Operating Mode, page 28, for further details.
Session Info
Clicking the Session Info button brings up the Active Sessions display:
This display lets the administrator see at a glance all the users currently logged into the SN0108 / SN0116, and provides information about each of their sessions. It also gives the administrator the option of forcing a user logout by selecting the user and clicking End Session.