The following are possible fault conditions. Check the items mentioned and repair or replace parts as necessary. The list is not
exhaustive but a fair outline of possible faults.
1. No Spark
(a) Check spark by manually operating the micro switch.
(b) The battery may be exhausted. Check and replace if necessary.
(c) Check the spark gap and electrode alignment. The electrode, thermocouple probe and horizontal arm of the pilot burner
should be in a straight line.
(d) Inspect the spark lead, ensure firm contact at the ends and that there is no shorting out of spark at either end.
2. Spark but the pilot does not light.
(a) Verify availability of gas at the pilot burner, if possible, light with a match.
(b) If gas is available, proceed as in 1 above.
(c) If gas is not available, check the pilot burner and supply pipe for blockage.
(d) IMPORTANT: Remove the battery from the ignition unit to disable the spark ignition. Ensure gas is available at the pilot
port of gas tap, if not replace the tap.
3. Pilot lights but goes out on heat setting.
Pilot starvation due to partial blockage. Clean the pilot gas supply line. See also 2(c) and 2(d) above.
4. Nuisance shut off.
(a) Inspect the pilot flame.
(b) Check the thermocouple. If faulty replace the pilot assembly.
(c) Check the thermocouple break micro switch and connections.
(d) Check the magnet unit in the gas tap. If faulty replace the tap.
(e) Check the ventilation into the room. Vitiation may be due to the lack of sufficient air supply.
(f) Check for satisfactory clearance of combustion products. Vitiation may be due to spillage of combustion products into
the room.
5. Main burner popping.
Remove the loose coals and coalbed. Light the fire and inspect the burner for cracks and leakage. Replace the burner if
6. Poor flame picture.
(a) Remove the burner assembly. Check the alignment of the burner ports with the holes in the coalbed. Ensure the ports
are clear.
(b) Re-assemble correctly and check the flame picture.
(c) Check the gas rate.
7. Sooting.
Proceed as in 6 above.
8. Spillage.
(a) Check the seal of the fire to the wall/surround.
(b) Inspect the chimney.
(c) Remove the spigot restrictor if fitted.
(d) Check the coal arrangement.
1. Remove the outer case.
2. Disconnect the red and blue wires from the ignition unit.
3. Remove the two screws securing the micro switch to the fire.
4. Replace with a new one and re-assemble in the reverse manner.
1. Remove the outer case.
2. Disconnect the thermocouple wires from the yellow micro switch wires.
3. Remove the two screws securing the micro switch to the fire.
4. Replace with a new one and re-assemble in the reverse manner.