u s e r ` s g u i d e

Important Export R estricti ons! Comm odities, prod-
ucts, technologies and services contained in this manual
are subject to one or more of the export control laws and
regulations of the U.S. Government and they fall under the
control jurisdiction of ei ther the US Department of State
or the US BIS-Dep artment of Co mmerce. It is un lawful
and strictly pro hibited to expor t, or attempt to ex port or
otherwise transfer or sell any hardware or technical data
or furnis h any ser vice to any forei gn perso n, wheth er
abroad or in the United States, for which a license or writ-
ten approval of the U.S. Government is required, without
first obtai ning the r equired li cense or w ritten ap proval
from the Depart ment of the U.S . Gover nment ha ving
jurisdiction. Diversi on contrary to U.S. law is prohibit ed.
ATN MArs x4ATN MArs x6