Install the S8300
Issue 9.1 June 2006 493
Warnin g Scree n
Note: This is the final step in configuring the system. When you click Continue, all the
configuration information will be written to disk and implemented. This step
normally completes in about 5 minutes.
This is your last chance to cancel or correct the configuration.
24. To check, or possibly change, something you entered on a previous screen, use your
browser's Back button to page back through the Configure Server screens.
25. Check or change the items in question.
26. Click the Continue button to move forward again, whether you change anything or not.
If you don't do this, information in the wizard may not be processed correctly.
Note: For any configuration, it is always safe to Cancel the configuration, and run the
Configure Server screens of the Web Interface again later from the beginning.
You might use this option if you are checking or modifying settings on a server
that has already been configured, and there is not a large amount of new
information to enter.
27. On the Update System screen, if you are satisfied that everything is set correctly, click
You can watch the progress of the configuration at the Updating System Files screen. If
the configuration status displays stops updating at some point and the screen appears to
freeze, you may have lost contact with the server. In this case, the configuration process will
continue and you can log back on and pick up where left off.