Upgrading the S8300A
Issue 9.1 June 2006 637
2. Select FTP.
Fill in the User Name, Password, Host Name (enter host IP Address), and Directory
fields for the location of the backup file on the customer’s server.
3. Click View.
The system displays the View/Restore Data Results screen.
View/Restore Data Results screen
4. Select the backup file to restore.
If you started with a software release between 1.2.0 and 1.3.x and you used the
Linux-Migration Backup procedure, the backup file name will start with "upgrade-2.0."
If you started with a 2.0.x software release and you used the Backup Now procedure, there
are three backup files with names starting with "os," "xln," and "security."
Note that the time and date are embedded in the file name. Select the backup sets with the
current time and date stamp.
5. Select both Force options, and click Restore.
6. To monitor the restore progress:
a. Select Restore History
The Restore History screen displays.