Appendices 67

4.On the line below the macro keystroke sequence you just entered, type the keystroke sequence that you wish the macro to perform.

5.Repeat steps 3 and 4 to configure additional macros.

6.When finished, press Enter to return to the previous screen.

Using History mode

History mode allows you to examine the contents of the history buffer, which contains the events that have occurred.

The DSRIQ-SRL module maintains a buffer containing 240 lines minimum, or 10 screens, of output. When the history buffer is full, it will add new lines at the bottom of the buffer and delete the oldest lines at the top of the buffer.

NOTE: The Confi g Key Sequence, On-Line Key Sequence and Clear History Key Sequence used in the following procedure are the default values. These key combinations can be changed using the Confi guration Screen.

To use History mode:

1.Press Ctrl-F9. The mode will display as History.

2.Press one of the following key combinations to perform the indicated action:

Home - Move to the top of the buffer.

End - Move to the bottom of the buffer.

Page Up - Move up one buffer page.

Page Down - Move down one buffer page.

Up Arrow - Move up one buffer line.

Down Arrow - Move down one buffer line.

Ctrl-F8- Enters Configuration mode. The Configuration Screen will appear. Press Ctrl-F9to return to the previous screen with History mode enabled, or Ctrl-F10to return to the previous screen with On- Line mode enabled.

Ctrl-F11- Clears the history buffer. If you choose this option, a warn- ing screen will appear. Press Enter to delete the history buffer, or Esc to cancel the action. The previous screen will reappear.

3.When finished, press Ctrl-F10to exit History mode and return to On-Line mode.