Installing via a Modem AXIS 2420 User’s Manual


Refining the Dial-Up Networking Properties

Having created the Dial-Up connection for your AXIS 2420, follow the steps below to

refine the connection properties:

Initiating the Dial-Up Connection
Please ensure that the Null Modem Cable is correctly installed and that the relative connection proper-
ties are correctly configured before initiating a Dial-Up connection. Step-by-step instructions on how to
do this are provided on the preceding pages of this section.
From the Dial-Up Networking dialog, right-click the
dedicated Dial-Up connection previously created for your
AXIS 2420 (AxisCamera in this example). Select Properties.
Click the Scripting tab and ensure that the Start
terminal screen minimized checkbox is checked.
Click OK to exit Dial-Up Networking Properties.
Click TCP/IP settings and then check
the Server assigned IP address, and
Server assigned name server addresses
radio buttons.
Check the Use IP header compression
and Us e default gateway on a remote
network checkboxes. Click OK.
In the Allowed network protocols
field, check the TCP/IP checkbox.
NetBEUI and IPX/SPX checkboxes
should remain unchecked.
Click the Server Types tab. From the
drop-down list, select PPP as the Type
of Dial-Up Server.
In the Advanced options field, check
Enable software compression. All other
checkboxes should remain unchecked.
Double-click the
Dial-Up connection
icon previously cre-
ated for your AXIS
2420 (AxisCamera in
this and previous
Double-click My Computer
and then the Dial-Up Network-
ing icon.
Click Connect to initiate
the Dial-Up connection.
Enter a User name and
Password, using the default
root and pass respectively.