The Unit Connectors AXIS 2420 User’s Manual
This requires you to have root access to the AXIS 2420 and conseque nt ly, to sup pl y a us er
name and password. Login as root and supply the root password (default = pass).
Relay OutputYou can use the supported relay output to directly drive a maximum load of 24V AC/DC at
100mA. By connecting additional relay circuitry, it can also drive heavier loads.
The output relay is controlled using http requests, as de fined in the following examples:
Example 1: - Set output 1 ON.
Example 2: - Set two 300ms pulses with 500ms delay between the pulses on output 1.
Example 3: - Wait 1 second before setting output 1 ON.
Digital InputThe digital input, programmed using the Application Wizar d, allows the AXIS 2420 to be
configured for time and alarm based image recording. For ex ample, by connecting a
motion detector to the digital input, it is a relati vely simple procedure to send a single
image (or video stream) to a remote imaging library each time the detector is activated.
Querying the Status of the Digital Input
The status of the digital input can be queried in exactly the same way as the relay output.
Simply enter the following URL to query the stat us of the digital input:
Example: - Monitor data on port 1
The AXIS 2420 then displays the status of the input, as follows:
Developers wishing to create applications incorporating sophisticated alarm conditioning using the
relay output and digital input are encouraged to read the Camera API, HTTP-Interface Specification,
available from the Axis Web at www.axis.com.