Customizing Your Camera AXIS 2420 User’s M anual
4. Fetch the boa.conf file, by typing:
5. Edit boa.conf and add the following lines to the end of the file:
This will create an alias to your own "homemade" index.html file stored in the
/etc/httpd/html/ directory and redirect access to it. Replace the edited boa.conf in
the camera, by using the put command.
6. Restart the camera.
Note: As an alternative to the above, you might like to edit the line starting with Document Root so
that it points directly to the local directory. However, after doing this you will then be unable to
access the original Home pages - so be warned!
7. After making these changes, you will not be able to automatically access the default
index page. Instead you must type in the complete URL to access it:
get boa.conf
Alias /index.html /etc/httpd/html/index.html
Alias / /etc/httpd/html