Figure #5
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Steel Decks
Steel Decks for Bake and Roast Application are factory installed and no further installation is required.
Ceramic Decks
Ceramic Decks for Pizza Application are shipped in a separate carton. Depending on the model, two (see fig. 6a) or three slabs (see fig 7a) are provided with each oven. This material is heavy and fragile and should be handled carefully.
a)Depending on the model, three or four deck supports (metal channels) have to be inserted in the oven, front to back, flanges down and flat side up. (See fig. 5f).
b)Slide one slab into the bake chamber along the deck supports on the left side, lower the front end carefully to avoid chipping of the deck corners, then push tightly against the left oven wall.
c)Repeat the above for the second (and third) slab, pushing it as tightly as possible against the previous one to prevent any gaps.
d)With a long hook or similar tool, reach in and pull all of the slabs as far to the front as possible. Insert one (or two) of the wedges in the back and one at the right side of the oven (see figs. 6b & 7b) and tap them down lightly.