Table 4-10Engine Setpoints Continued




Cooling time


Runtime of the unloaded gen−set to cool the engine before stop.



Step: 1s; Range: 0 − 3600 s






Runtime of engine after cooling pump. Binary output Cooling pump is



closed when the engine starts and opens AfterCool time delayed after



gen−set stops. Step: 1s Range: 0 − 3600s






Selects the function of the Binary output IDLE/NOMINAL during engine



Cooling state.



NOMINAL : Cooling is executed at Nominal speed and generator



protections are active.



IDLE: Cooling is executed at Idle speed and generator protections are



switched off.



Hint: Binary output IDLE/NOMINAL must be configured and connected to



speed governor. Engine Idle speed must be adjusted on speed governor.

D+ function


ENABLED: The D+ terminal is used for both functions “running engine”



detection and charge fail detection.



CHRGFAIL: The D+ terminal is used for charge fail detection only



DISABLED: The D+ terminal is not used.



Note: Magnetization current is independent of this setpoint value.


Table 4-11 Engine Protect Setpoints






This setpoint should be used only for Volvo and Scania engines.

ECU Speed Adjust


This setpoint should be used only for Volvo and Scania engines.



The WtBfAcceptRPM delay setpoint will start to count down since



cranking. Controller waits before communicating with the ECU for this



time. This is because the JD engine passes some erroneous RPM signals



during the first 500ms. Step: 0,1s Range: 0 − 3s




Eng prot del


During the start of the gen−set, some engine protections have to be



blocked (e.g. Oil pressure). The protections are unblocked after the



Protection del time. The time starts after reaching Start RPM.



Step: 1s; Range: 0 − 300 s




Horn timeout


Max time limit of horn sounding. Set to zero if you want to leave the output



HORN open. Step: 1s; Range: 0 − 600 s






Threshold for over speed protection.



Step: 1% of nominal RPM; Range: 100 − 150%




Wrn Oil press


Warning threshold level for ANALOG INPUT 1.



Step: 1 psi; Range: Sd Oil press − 10000




Sd Oil press


Shutdown threshold level for ANALOG INPUT 1.



Step: 1 psi; Range: −100 − Wrn Oil press




Oil press del


Delay for ANALOG INPUT 1. Step: 1 s; Range: 0 − 180

Sd Water temp


Warning threshold level for ANALOG INPUT 2.



Step: 1 °C; Range: Wrn Wtemp − 10000




Wrn Water temp


Warning threshold level for ANALOG INPUT 2.



Step: 1 °F; Range: Wrn Wtemp low − Sd Water temp




Wrn Wtemp low


Warning threshold level for low value on ANALOG INPUT 2.



Step: 1 °F; Range: −100 − Wrn Water temp




Water temp Low del


Delay for ANALOG INPUT 2 Wrn Wtemp low. Step: 1 s; Range:1−180 s

Water temp del


Delay for ANALOG INPUT 2 alarm. Step: 1 s; Range: 0 − 180 s

Wrn Fuel Level


Warning threshold level for ANALOG INPUT 3.



Step: 1 %; Range: Sd Fuel Level − 10000




Sd Fuel Level


Shutdown threshold level for ANALOG INPUT 3.



Step: 1 %; Range: −100 − Wrn Fuel Level




Fuel Level del


Delay for ANALOG INPUT 3. Step: 1 s; Range: 0 − 180 s

Batt overvolt


Warning threshold for high battery voltage.



Step: 0,1 V; Range: Batt undervolt − 40V




Batt undervolt


Warning threshold for low battery voltage.



Step: 0,1 V; Range: 8V − Batt overvolt




Batt volt del


Delay for low battery voltage alarm. Step: 1s; Range: 0 − 600 s



Counts down when engine running. If reaches zero, an alarm appears.



Step: 1h; Range: 0 −65535h

4-16 Operation


Page 38
Image 38
Baldor TS60, TS45, TS400, TS80, TS175, TS130, TS35, TS250 manual 10Engine Setpoints, Engine Protect Setpoints