Setting (Changing) the IP address of this projector
1 Launch the Internet Explorer on the computer
2 Check if the proxy has been set in the ALAN SettingB of the Internet Explorer
A Click AToolsB and select AInternet OptionsB
B Click AConnectionsB and click ALAN SettingB
C Check if the check for AUse a proxy server for your LANB has been selected
●If the check mark has been selected, deselect it.
3 Check if the AActive scriptingB of the Internet Explorer is disabled
A Click AToolsB and select AInternet OptionsB
B Click in the order of ASecurityB ATrusted SitesB ASitesB
C Deselect the check in ARequired server verification (https:) for all sites in this zoneB
D Enter Ahttp:// under AAdd this web site to the zoneB and click AAddB
E Click AOKB
F Select ATrusted SitesB and click ACustom LevelB
G Check if the check for AActive scriptingB under AScriptingB has been selected
●If the check mark has been deselected, select it.