Reading a Message

To read a message, tap on its title in an Inbox. A new window opens displaying the contents of the message.

Reading an email message.

If the message is long, you might see a Get More button in the lower right corner of the message. Tap this button to download the remainder of the message.

To display any images embedded in the message, tap the Show Pictures button.

Viewing and Saving Attachments

To view a list of attachments included with the message, tap the View Attachments button.

To open an attachment, tap on its name in the list of attachments. If the attachment is a PDF file or a Microsoft Office file supported by NOOK, your NOOK opens the file for reading.

NOTE: Your NOOK stores email attachments in the Myfiles/Downloads folder.

Replying to Messages and Forwarding Messages

To reply to a message or to forward a message, tap the Reply button at the bottom of the screen displaying the mes- sage’s content.

When you tap the Reply button, a menu opens, displaying these choices:



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