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Zooming In and Out on Images

To zoom in on an image in a book, double-tap it.

To zoom out, double-tap again.

Reading in Landscape Mode or Portrait Mode

If you rotate your NOOK so its longest side is down, the book you are reading switches to landscape mode. To return to reading in portrait mode, turn your NOOK back to its normal orientation, with the short side of your NOOK down.

When you rotate your NOOK, you’ll see a lock symbol appear in the lower right corner of the screen for several seconds. To lock the books you are reading to the current orientation of the screen, tap this lock symbol when it ap- pears.

The lock symbol for locking the screen in landscape or portrait mode for books.

To unlock the orientation, tap in the lower right corner of the screen to make the lock symbol reappear. Then tap the lock symbol again so that the lock appears open.

To prevent your NOOK from ever switching orientation, tap the NOOK button to call up the Quick Nav Bar. Tap Settings and select the Screen menu choice. On the Screen settings page, tap the Auto-rotate screen menu choice and leave the checkbox empty. Turning the Auto-rotate screen option off keeps your NOOK in portrait mode regardless of how you position the screen.

Reading Books that Include Video

Your NOOK lets you read EPUB eBooks that include videos. (EPUB is an industry standard format for eBooks.) When you see a video clip on a page, tap the triangle to start playing the video.

Barnes & Noble NOOK Color User Guide