The Status Bar

A Status Bar runs along the very bottom of the NOOK display. The Status Bar looks like this:

The Status Bar

The Left Side of the Status Bar

The left side of the Status Bar presents:

A green NOOK symbol that appears when new software updates have been installed

An icon of two people that appears when the NOOK Friends™ application has received an update, such as contacts that have just been imported

An open book icon that returns you to the book, magazine, or newspaper you were most recently reading

An icon with the letter P for returning to the Pandora music player if you’re playing Pandora in the background

An icon of red musical notes for returning to the Music Player if you’re playing music files in the background

An icon with an envelope and an @ sign, indicating that you have received new email

An icon of downward pointing arrows indicating that books, periodicals, or apps are downloading

A red circle with a number in it that identifies the number of notifications you have received for LendMe, recom- mendations, software updates, and more

The Right Side of the Status Bar

The right side of the status bar presents:

A wireless connection indicator

A battery charge indicator

A digital clock showing the current time

The wireless connection indicator displays a stack of concentric curves, indicating the strength of your NOOK’s connection to a local Wi-Fi network. The higher the stack of curves, the stronger the connection. In general, it’s best to have at least 2 or 3 curves showing to have a reliable connection. If no curves are shown, the NOOK is not connected to a network.

By default, the NOOK status bar displays time on a 12-hour clock. To change the time or to switch to a 24-hour clock, set the 24-hour clock option on the Time Settings screen.

The Status Bar may also display other icons, as well.

A mute symbol will appear on the right half of the status bar if you have muted the sound on your NOOK. Use the Quick Settings window or the Settings controls to mute or unmute the sound, as well as to adjust the volume of the audio on your NOOK.

Barnes & Noble NOOK Color User Guide