The Quick Nav Bar

Tapping the NOOK button on the lower front panel of your NOOK displays the Quick Nav Bar, if it is not already visible. The Quick Nav Bar displays icons that lead you to major features of your NOOK.

The Quick Nav Bar looks like this:

The Quick Nav Bar.

If you don’t see the Quick Nav Bar, tap the NOOK button, and the Quick Nav Bar will appear.

The Quick Nav Bar shows seven navigation buttons:

Home - Displays the Home screen, which holds the Daily Shelf along with any books or periodicals you have copied to Home for easy access.

Library - Holds all the books, magazines, and newspapers available for reading on your NOOK.

Shop - Connects you to the Barnes & Noble NOOK Store for convenient shopping right on your NOOK.

Search - Searches across your books, magazines, newspapers, and files. Also searches the Barnes & Noble NOOK Store and the Web.

Apps - Offers access to Contacts, Email, NOOK Friends™, Pandora, games, as well as to any apps you have purchased from the NOOK Store.

Web - Opens a Web browser on your NOOK.

Settings - Offers you configuration settings for every aspect of your NOOK–from screen brightness to Wi-Fi network settings.

NOTE: If the Web button in the Quick Nav Bar appears grayed out is tagged with a banner reading “Disabled,” the Web browser on your NOOK has been disabled. For more information, see “Disabling and Re- enabling Your Web Browser”.


Barnes & Noble NOOK Color User Guide