V B R I C K E T H E R N E T V S E T T O P B O X U S E R S G U I D E | V E R S I O N 3 . 6 . 9 |
File selections can either be indicated by an Icon or by a Thumbnail image from the video. Thumbnail images are created in the Administrative Section of the MCS. Please refer to the MCS Users Guide for information on how to create a Thumbnail.
Each listing displays a thumbnail image of the clip, as well as information entered in the MCS when the file is created. Please refer to the MCS Users Guide.
Select a folder by using the left button on the IR control, which corresponds to the left button on a mouse.
Use the folder icon on the menu bar to navigate up a level e.
Navigation through the file system can be made using an optional keyboard or through the provided handheld IR remote control unit.
Select Video – Use the handheld IR remote control cursor button over the Up and Down c arrows to until the
Play the clip by highlighting the | 1 |
selection using the handheld IR control unit and use the left mouse button to select. The selection will play in the Preview Window d.
Play Control – Use the buttons on the bottom of the preview window e or those along the top of the IR remote control to Stop, Start, Pause Fast Forward or Rewind the video, or use the IR remote control unit to maneuver the cursor over the lower portion of the screen until the toolbar g
Fast Rewind
Pause 3
Fast Forward
eFull screen
The file must be playing before control buttons on the IR remote control unit or on the screen can be used.
Fast Forward and Rewind are not currently available for
Full Screen Mode f – Once the
clip has begun playing, the user can 5 select Full Screen mode through the
IR remote control unit by positioning
Exit Full Screen Mode – To exit full screen, use the IR remote control maneuver the cursor over the lower portion of the screen until the toolbar g appears and use the icon with the inward facing arrows to exit full screen mode.
C O P Y R I G H T V B R I C K S Y S T E M S | P A G E 2 7 | N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 0 3 |