Beckett FII 85, AFII 100 Check/Adjust Electrodes, Blower Wheel Re- Wheel Replacement Placement

Models: FII 85 AFII 100 AFII 150

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Trained Service Technician’s Regular Maintenance

Figure 5a. HLX Air Tube

• Check/Adjust Electrodes


Figure 5b. FBX Air Tube


Check the electrode tip settings, as shown in Figure 6a or 6b. If necessary, adjust by loosening the elec- trode clamp screw and slide/rotate the electrodes as necessary. When the adjustment is complete, securely tighten the clamp screw.

Figure 6a. Electrode Settings-HLX Air Tube Com- binations



Do NOT overtighten



Clamp Screw











Nozzle face to back of head

5.Inspect the nozzle adapter before installing the new nozzle. If it is grooved or scratched on the sealing surface, replace the nozzle line assem- bly. If the surface is damaged, oil could leak at the nozzle to adapter joint, causing serious com- bustion problems.

6.Protect the nozzle orifice and strainer when in- stalling. If the orifice gets dirt in it or is scratched, the nozzle will not function properly.

7.To install a new nozzle, place a 3/4open-end wrench on the nozzle adapter. Insert the nozzle into the adapter and secure finger tight. Finish tightening with a 3/8” open-end wrench. Use care to avoid bending the burner head support legs or electrodes.

8.Do not over-torque the nozzle when install- ing. This will cause deep grooves in the nozzle adapter, preventing a seal when a new nozzle is installed.

9.Carefully check and realign the electrode tips af- ter replacing a nozzle, ensuring the electrode set- tings comply with Figure 6a or 6b.

10.If the head was removed when replacing the nozzle, carefully reconnect the head to the noz- zle adapter. Push the head support until it stops against the nozzle shoulder. Verify the dimen- sion between the nozzle face and the back of the head is 5/32”.

Figure 6b. Electrode Settings-FBX Air Tube Com- binations


Figure 7. – Blower

• Blower Wheel Re- Wheel Replacement


For installation or re- placement of a blower wheel, insure that there is a space between the blower wheel and the motor face of 0.062” (1/16” + 1/64”). Refer to Figure 7.


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RWB 6104 BAFII R01

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Beckett FII 85, AFII 100, AFII 150 manual Check/Adjust Electrodes, Blower Wheel Re- Wheel Replacement Placement