DS0 Wholesale Local Platform Service – 2 Wire ISDN BRI
Optional Loop Tagging
When a BellSouth technician is required to be dispatched to provision the DS0 level loop, BellSouth will tag the Loop with the Circuit ID number and the name of the ordering CLEC. When a dispatch is not required to provision the DS0 level Loop, BellSouth will tag the Loop on the next required visit to the end user’s location. If the CLEC wants to ensure the Loop is tagged during the provisioning process for Loops that may not require a dispatch, the CLEC may order Loop Tagging, which will force the dispatch of a technician. This Loop Tagging is over and above the normal provisioning process, and as such, is a chargeable option. DS0 Level Loop tagging is restricted to the provisioning of new installs of DS0 Wholesale Local Platform Service. Conversions are restricted from optional Loop Tagging.
The CLEC is responsible for placing the correct Optional Loop Tagging USOC on the LSR. The CLEC will be charged for this dispatch at the rate associated with these USOCs, as detailed in their Interconnection Agreement. If the orders complete with the Loop Tagging USOCs in place the CLEC will be charged, whether or not BellSouth would have dispatched on the order. The optional Loop Tagging USOCs can be found in the USOC Matrix in this document.
BellSouth Interconnection Services | 13 | June 15. 2004 |
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| Version 1 |