DS0 Wholesale Local Platform Service
Acronyms | Definition |
DSLAM | Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer |
ECD | Estimated Completion Date |
EE | Enhanced Electronic |
EEL | Enhanced Extended Link |
EI | Engineering Information |
ERS | Extended Reach Service |
EU | End User |
EU | End User Information (Form) |
F2 | The loop distribution of BellSouth’s network |
FAS | Facility Associated Signaling |
FCO | Foreign Central Office |
FDF | Fiber Distributing Frame |
FDT | Frame Due Time |
FISO | Full Image Service Order |
FOC | Firm Order Confirmation |
FT | Facility Termination |
FX | Foreign Exchange |
GT | Garden Terminal |
HDSL | |
ICE | Incoming Call Extension |
IDLC | Integrated Digital Loop Carrier |
IOC | Interoffice Channel |
ISUP | ISDN User Part |
LCSC | Local Customer Service Center |
LMOS | Loop Maintenance Operations System |
LMU | Loop Make Up |
LS | Loop Service (Form) |
Loop Service with Number Portability | |
LSP | Local Service Provider |
LSR | Local Service Request Form |
MDF | Main Distribution Frame |
MDUs | |
MLT | Mechanized Loop Test |
MOU | Minute of use |
MSA | Metropolitan Service Area |
MTUs | |
NFAS | |
NI | Network Interface |
NID | Network Interface Device |
OC | Order Coordination |
OC/TS | Order Coordination - Time Specific |
ODUF | Optional Daily Usage File |
OSPC | Outside Plant Construction |
BellSouth Interconnection Services | 19 |
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