Safety Precautions and Installation Guidelines

To ensure reliable and safe long-term operation please note the following installation guidelines:

Do not use to link between buildings.

Only use in dry, indoor environments.

If the building has 3-phase AC power, try to ensure that equipment connected to the Local and Remote units is on the same phase.

Try not to route the CATx link cable alongside power cables.

Ensure that the system connected to the Local unit is connected to power ground.

Ensure that the monitor connected to the Remote unit is connected to power ground and does not use an isolated power supply.

The Remote unit and any power supplies can get warm. Do not situate them in an enclosed space without any airflow.

Do not place the power supply directly on top of the Remote unit.

Do not obscure the Remote unit’s ventilation holes.

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Black Box ACUR002A, ACURA001A, ACU2222A, ACUR001A, ACURA002A, ACU2201A, ACU2022A Safety Precautions and Installation Guidelines