Local Console Commands
After pressing the initial ‘hot’ key on the Local keyboard, you can issue a number of commands by pressing additional keys. These commands allow you to start a private mode session on the Local console or to reset the keyboard and mouse.
These commands only apply to Local units and Rack hubs having firmware versions ‘S50’ and above.
Command | Key Sequence |
Private Mode | <Scroll Lock> |
Local units that feature dual access (ACU2009A, ACU2028A) allow the Local user to lock out the Remote console by triggering a ‘Private Mode’ function. This prevents the Remote console from being used even if the two second inactivity timeout period expires.
During a Private Mode session, the extender system:
•Flashes the Scroll Lock LED on the Local keyboard.
•Illuminates all three LEDs on the Remote keyboard.
•Displays a blank image on the Remote console’s monitor.
•Locks the Remote console’s keyboard and mouse.
Reset Local Keyboard and Mouse |
Resets the Local console’s keyboard and mouse. Use if the mouse or keyboard locks up or the mouse does not initialize correctly.
Send NULL Mouse Byte |
Use this command if you experience erratic movement of the mouse pointer. This can occur when the mouse signal synchronization is lost. The command sends a null mouse byte to the system and then automatically exits Command Mode. You may need to enter the command a number of times to