Managing phone calls on the Messages screen
Handheld User Guide 107
Messages screen menu - Search Subject item
All email or PIN messages with that subject appear, including sent messages,
replies, and forwarded messages.
Managing phone calls on the Messages screen
By default, your phon e calls are logged on the Messages s creen. Each call is saved
on this screen with the date, time, and length of the call, the name of the caller or
recipient, and any associated call notes. Managing phone calls on your Messages
screen is similar to managing email, PIN, and SMS messages.
To place phone calls from the Messages
You can place a phone call from the Messages application.
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon. The Messages screen appears.
2. Click the trackwheel to view the menu and click Place Call. The Select
Address screen appears.
3. Select the contact that you want to call and click the trackwheel to view the
menu. Click Call.
Note: You can customize the Phone application so that your phone calls are not logged
on the Messages screen. Refer to "Customizing call logging" on page 147 for more
information on setting the Call Logging phone option.