Using bookmark subfolders
Handheld User Guide 181
To set a default subfolder1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon. The startup screen appears.
2. Click the trackwheel to view the menu, and then click Bookmarks. Your list
of saved bookmarks appears.
3. Click the trackwheel to view the menu and click View Bookmark Subfolders.
The Bookmarks screen appears.
4. Select the subfolder that you want to set as your default bookmarks folder.
Click the trackwheel to view the menu and click Set Default Folder. A
confirmation dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.
To add bookmarks to subfolders1. On the Home screen, click the Browser icon. The startup screen appears.
2. Open a web page that you want to add to a folder and click the trackwheel to
view the menu. Click Add Bookmark. The Add Bookmark dialog box
3. In the Title field, the title of your bookmark appears. If you want to change
the title, press the Backspace key to delete it and type a new one.
4. By default, bookmarks are added to the Browser Bookmarks folder. To specify
a subfolder, click Change Folder. The Bookmarks screen appears.
5. Expand and collapse the folders to locate the subfolder into which you want
to add your bookmark. Click the trackwheel to view the menu and click
Select Folder. The Add Bookmark dialog box appears with the specified
subfolder’s name in the Create in field.
6. Click Add.
You return to the web page that you were viewing.
Note: When you add new bookmarks, verify that the new default folder name appears
in the Add Bookmark dialog box, in the Create in field. Refer to "To add bookmarks to
subfolders" below for more information.