Using Remote Address Lookup
Handheld User Guide 125
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add more members to your group address.
7. After you add all desired contacts to the group address, click the trackwheel
to view the menu. Click Save Group.
You return to the Address Book screen and the new group appears in your list of
Using Remote Address LookupYou can search for addresses in your company’s address directory using the
Remote Address Lookup feature. You can add Remote Address Lookup results to
your handheld Address Book.
To add Address Book entries from Remote
Address Lookup results
1. On the Home screen, click the Address Book icon. The find screen appears.
2. Type the name of the contact that you want to find and click the trackwheel to
view the menu. Click Lookup. On the Address Book screen, at the top of the
address list, the status of your search and the search criteria are displayed.
3. After the search is complete, select the Search Result field and click the
trackweel to view the menu. Click View Lookup. The results of your search
are displayed.
4. Select a contact and click the trackwheel to view the menu. Click Add.
Note: If an email address is not included in a contact’s address information, you cannot
add that contact to your group.
Note: To use the Remote Address Lookup feature, your desktop software must be
integrated with an enterprise email account and your handheld must be enabled on
BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 3.5 or later for Microsoft Exchange, or on BlackBerry
Enterprise Server version 2.2 or later for Lotus Domino. Contact your system administrator
for more information on whether you can use Remote Address Lookup.
Tip: You can perform multiple remote address lookups at one time. To perform multiple
lookups, repeat step 2.
If no results are found for a particular search, the corresponding search field displays No