208 BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
To change Calendar views1. On the Home screen, click the Calendar icon. The Calendar screen displays
your default Calendar view.
2. Click the trackwheel to view the menu and click View Day, View Agenda,
View Week, or View Month.
Day view
This view displays the day that you select and includes any appointments for that
day. The current day of the week is selected in the navigation bar at the top of the
screen. The current hour is outlined. The subject for any appointments appears
beside the start hour and a sidebar spans the length of the appointment. The
location of the appointment (enclosed in parentheses) appears beside the subject.
Calendar - Day view
Agenda view
This view displays only the days on which you have appointments. The
appointments appear in chronological order, with the earliest appointments listed
at the top of the screen. Each entry in Agenda view includes the start time, subject,
and location of the appointment. Two arrows at the top of the screen indicate that
you can scroll to view more appointments.