Chapter 7: Options
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View AutoText entries1. On the Home screen, click the Options icon. The Options screen
2. Click AutoText. The AutoText entries appear.
Create an AutoText entry1. On the Home screen, click the Options icon. The Options screen
2. Click AutoText. The AutoText screen appears.
3. Click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
4. Click New. The AutoText: New screen appears.
5. In the following fields, type AutoText information:
Tip: To search for an AutoText entry, on the AutoText screen, type the first
letters of the entry. Entries that begin with these letters appear.
Field Description
Replace Type a keyword or a combination of letters.
With Type the text that replaces the keyword.
!To insert a macro (for example, the current date), click the trackwheel.
A menu appears. Click Insert Macro. The Insert macro dialog box
appears. Click a macro.