Handheld options
BlackBerry Wireless Handheld 121
3. Click New. A list of items for which you can receive notification
4. In the Name field, type a profile name.
5. Click an item for which you can receive notification. A menu
6. Click Edit.
7. In the following fields, press the Space key until the preferred
option appears:
8. Click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
9. Click Save. The options are saved.
10.Repeat steps 5 through 9 for the other items in the list.
11.Click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
12.Click Save. The profile is saved.
Field Description
Out of Holster Set how you are notified when your handheld is not in the holster.
In Holster Set how you are notified when your handheld is in the holster.
Tune Set the tune that plays when you are notified.
Volume Set the volume for your notification.
If you set this field to Escalating, the notification volume
Number of
Beeps Set how many times the tune plays before notification stops.
For phone calls, notification does not stop until you answer the
Notification Set whether the LED flashes to remind you of unopened
Do Not Disturb Set whether your handheld notifies you of incoming calls.