Managing messages
BlackBerry Wireless Handheld 31
4. Click a folder. A menu appears.
5. Click File. The message is filed.
Searching for messagesSearch for a message
1. On the Home screen, click the Search Messages icon. The Search
screen appears.
Search screen — Specifying search criteria
2. In one or more of the following fields, type message information:
Tip: To expand a folder on the Select Folder screen, click a folder with a plus
sign (+) beside it. A menu appears. Click Expand.
To collapse a folder, click a folder with a minus sign (-) beside it. A menu
appears. Click Collapse.
Tip: To display filed messages on the Messages screen, set the Hide Filed
Messages option on the Message List Options screen to No.
To remove a filed message from a folder, file the message in the Inbox folder.
Field Description
Name Type a name, email address, PIN, or phone number.
Subject Type text that the handheld should search for in the subject of