Setting phone options
BlackBerry Wireless Handheld 63
Setting general phone optionsSet general phone options
1. On the Home screen, click the Phone icon. The Phone screen
2. Click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
3. Click Options. The Phone Options screen appears.
4. Click General Options. The General Options screen appears.
5. In the following fields, press the Space key until the preferred
option appears:
6. Click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
7. Click Save. The options are saved.
Field Option Default
Auto Answer Set whether calls are answered automatically when
you remove your handheld from the holster. Never
Hangup Set whether phone calls end when you insert your
handheld in the holster. Into
Delete Set whether you are prompted before phone numbers
and contacts are deleted from the Phone screen. Yes
Restrict My
Identity Set whether your handheld phone number is hidden
from the recipient’s call display when you make
phone calls.
Sort By Set how your contacts appear on the Phone screen. Most
Dial from
Home Screen Set whether you can dial phone numbers from the
Home screen. If you set this field to Yes, you cannot
use shortcut keys on the Home screen.