1: Messages
20 User Guide
4. Click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
5. Click Save. The options are saved.
Setting message optionsSet message options
1. On the Home screen, click the Messages icon. The Messages
screen appears.
2. Click the trackwheel. A menu appears.
3. Click Options. The Message List Options screen appears.
Sheet Column
Width Set the column width for the spreadsheet. Medium
Sheet Display Labels Set whether spreadsheet columns are labeled
with letters and rows are labeled with
Case Sensitive
Search Set whether the Find feature is case sensitive
when it searches attachments. No
Font Family Set the font for attachments. System
Font Size Set the font size for attachments. Large
Prerequisite: To set the Hide Filed Messages and Delete On options, your
handheld must be integrated with an enterprise email account.
To set the Wireless Reconcile and Conflicts options, one of the following
requirements must be met:
•Enterprise email account: Your handheld must be enabled for wireless
email reconciliation on a BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 3.6 or later for
Microsoft Exchange or a BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 2.2 or later for
Lotus Domino.
•New or existing ISP email account: Your handheld must be enabled for
wireless email reconciliation on the BlackBerry Web Client.
Field Description Default