Folder management / Structure on USB removable data carrier
Default Mode
Default Mode (see Settings menu) is factory set with the following properties:
•Direct selection of up to 6 directories with CD selection buttons on the radio
•Playback of up to 99 tracks from each of these directories
•Use of playlists (with OLED display only)
Please prepare your USB memory as follows for this purpose:
Create a folder called Blaupunkt.
Create 6 subfolders in this folder called "CD01" to "CD06".
In every subfolder ("CD0x"), you can man- age up to 99 tracks / pieces of music. The operation corresponds to the VW / Audi CD changer.
It is also possible to manage more than 99 music files, but then the display of the track number can no longer be uniquely associated with the music file.
Let's assume that the USB drive is U:
Playlists (can only be used with OLED display!)
•U:\Blaupunkt\CD01 containing up to 99 MP3 files
•U:\Blaupunkt\CD02 containing up to 99 MP3 files
•U:\Blaupunkt\CD03 containing up to 99 MP3 files
•U:\Blaupunkt\CD04 containing up to 99 MP3 files
•U:\Blaupunkt\CD05 containing up to 99 MP3 files
•U:\Blaupunkt\CD06 containing up to 99 MP3 files
Extended Mode
If you connected an OLED display (7607 548
500)to your interface, you can alternately acti- vate the Extended Mode with the following prop- erties via the Settings menu:
•Use of any directory structure on up to 16 di- rectory levels
•No limitation for the Blaupunkt directory and the names CD01 … CD06
•More than 99 tracks possible in every direc- tory
•Playlists possible in all directories
Operation and display on your radio are then lim- ited to
•No direct selection of directories
•Track display of 01 to 99
•No direct assignment of displayed track number to music file
The Settings menu can be used again to activate the Default Mode, if needed.
After changing between Default and Extended Mode, you should turn your car sound system off and on again, so that all the changes also take ef- fect in your radio.
In radios with integrated CD changer, the CD count for the interface begins after the maximal internal CD number.
Internal changer for 6 CDs (CD01 ... CD06)
Blaupunkt \ CD01 ... CD06 will be shown as CD 07 ... CD12.